E6: Title IX and TCU Soccer

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This episode explores the intersection of Title IX and TCU Men’s Soccer. We delve into the complexities of gender equality and athletic opportunities in collegiate sports.

Ralston Miller

Ralston Miller is from Weatherford, Texas, and is currently deep-diving into a history-focused degree. But his academic journey isn’t just about the past; it’s also fueled by his fascination with sports history, where he explores the rich tapestry of how sports have shaped cultures and societies over time.

TCU Mens Soccer


“Administrator: Title IX Rule Not to Blame,” TCU 360, July 12, 2011.

“TCU Changes Status of Men’s Soccer Program,” TCU Athletics, July 9, 2018.

Hickman, Dave. “Why No Men’s Soccer in Big 12?” Charleston Gazzete-Mail, October, 26, 2017.

“Title IX: The backlash and success of the law,” CNN, June 3, 2002.

“The state of TCU Men’s Soccer,” Youtube, November 22, 2011.

“Soccer Cheering,” Youtube, Novermber 22, 2022.

My Expert

Dr. Welch Suggs received his PhD from the University of Georgia in 2009. Suggs is an associate professor at the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia. Suggs’s research interests include the intersection of education, media, policy, and sport, with a particular focus on college sports and women’s sports.

Further Readings

Suggs, Welch. A Place on the Team: The Triumph and Tragedy of Title IX. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005.

Cooky, Cheryl, and Nicole M. Lavoi. “Playing but Losing Women’s Sports after Title ix.” Contexts, 11, no. 1, (Winter, 2012,): 42–46.

Farmer, Amy, and Paul Pecorino. “Title IX and the Allocation of Resources to Women’s and Men’s Sports.” American Law and Economics Review, 14, no. 1, (Spring, 2012,): 141–164.

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