November 2023
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E9: Aftermath of War: Navigating the Vietnamese Refugee Crisis
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Episode 9: In this episode, we learn about the refugee crisis that came after the end of the Vietnam War by exploring numerous perspectives and modern-day implications.
E8: From Frogs to Fatigues: The Vietnam War Lottery Draft and Two Fortunate Frogs
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Episode 8: Join host Gavin McGuffin for a discussion of conscription policy in post-war America, the origins of the 1969 lottery draft, and how the draft affected college campuses during the Vietnam War.
E7: Crossing Paths: TCU and Jarvis College Student Exchange
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Episode 7: In 1968, Jarvis Christian College, a historically Black college, and Texas Christian University initiated a groundbreaking student exchange program aimed at fostering racial integration and understanding.
E6: From the Front Lawn to the Front Lines
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Episode 6: This episode of Frogcast analyzes the role of the government in militarizing the America public during the Cold War and expanding the nuclear conscious.
E5: From Combat to the Classroom: How the G.I. Bill Changed America
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Episode 5: After WWII, millions of American veterans returned home and pursued higher education. This was only possible because of the monumental legislation known as the GI Bill. So many Veterans enrolled at TCU, the university was forced to add barracks to the campus for Veteran housing.
E4: The Atomic Bomb Changed Everything. Or Did It?
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Episode 4: Follow the story of the Manhattan Project through the eyes of Harrison Miller Moseley (TCU ’43) as hosts Brian and Walter discuss the broader moral, social, and political consequences of the development of a nuclear weapon.
E3: Battling for Equality: Women in Uniform
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Episode 3: We explore the evolution of the roles of women in the military since WWII and the unique challenges they had to overcome to go from WAAC to Warriors.
E2: Unforgotten Valor: Hubert Lindsey & Preston Hooper’s Fight in Normandy
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Episode 2: This episode discusses the invasion at Normandy as well as two TCU alumni who fought and lost their lives during World War II.
E1: How U.S. Military Chaplains Helped the Allies Win the Second World War
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Episode 1: This episode explores the impact chaplains had in the United States military throughout World War Two.
Season 1: The United States from 1941 to 1975
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From attack to defeat. The years 1941 and 1975 bookend two of the most infamous moments in U.S. history—the Japanese military’s attack on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and the defeat of the United States-backed South Vietnam by North Vietnamese forces. This course will explore the time period between these two events,…