Season 1: The United States from 1941 to 1975

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Pearl Harbor and Saigon

Course Syllabus

For more on the class, check out our syllabus.

Audio Credits

Crosby, Bing. White Christmas. Decca Records, 1942.

Middleton, Robert, Narrator. Duck and Cover. Castle Films, 1952. Video.

KTU, Honolulu, Hawaii broadcast, December 7, 1941.

07 UH1 Startup, 29 Days, 1787AU2125. No Date, Richard Crane Collection, Vietnam Center and Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive, Texas Tech University.

Charles Cox

Charles Cox

Mr. Cox is a second-year Ph.D. student focusing on Spanish Colonial and American Territorial Louisiana from 1762 to 1812.

Kara Dixon Vuic

The LCpl. Benjamin W. Schmidt Professor of War, Conflict, and Society in 20th-Century America, Dr. Vuic teaches courses on military history, war and society, gender, and memory.

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